Tab Shakti 20 font download

Tab Shakti 20 font download – Tab Shakti 20 font is considered one of the important font in the state of Tamil Nadu. Our provides Tab Shakti 20 font for free download. Tab Shakti 20 font is one of the popular Tamil fonts. This font is suitable for multiple operating systems such as Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7, 8, 8.1, 10, and also Linux and MacOS. Here you can get a free download of Tab Shakti 20 font is available for both personal and commercial needs.

Tab Shakti 20 font

Filename: Tab-Shakti-20.ttf
Type: ttf

Details of Tab-Shakti-20.ttf

Sub FamilyNormal
Full nameTab_Shakti_20
Version2.0 Fri Oct 06 23:45:10 2000
Postscript nameTAB_CK-Amilthu
Total Downloads6,012 Times
CopyrightCopyright(c):C.K. Technologies Pvt Ltd, 1996-2005, Chennai, INDIA.

How to install Tab Shakti 20 font?

For Windows 7 and Vista users:

Right click the Tab Shakti 20 font file and choose the Install button.

For previous Windows versions users:

Copy the Tab Shakti 20 font files and paste into a default Windows font folder.

For Mac users:

Mac OS X 10.3 or above versions – Double click the Tab Shakti 20 font files and press the “Install font” button at the bottom.

Mac OS X:

Copy the Tab Shakti 20 font file to /Library/Fonts for all users.

Mac OS 9 or earlier:

To convert the Tab Shakti 20 font file you have downloaded and then trawl the font suitcases into the folder. The system will recommend adding them to the Fonts folder.

For Linux users:

To copy the Tab Shakti 20 font file to /USR/SHARE/FONTS

you can also search other fonts on our website Bamini tamil font free download,

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